Snowbirds at CFB Comox take flight during 2018 the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) spring training on a sunny day. Probably the best seat I've ever had for an airshow; sitting on the deck listening…
Cycling on the Cornwallis River Kentville Nova Scotia
A Dry and Dusty Bike Ride Even the river was a hurtin' unit. Real easy cycling with the wind at your back, not so much beating your way back against it. Read More
BLT Rails to Trails Near Timberlea Nova Scotia
Another cycle to a waterfall on a hot August day in 2015. Read More
Queen Mary 2 Visits Halifax Harbour
Cycling around Halifax with a camera I had the good fortune of being downtown on a sunny day while the Queen Mary 2 was in port off Pier 21 and Georges Island. Read More
Fire Station #5 Halifax
Not much brass in a fire station After hanging out at the rotunda on the basin, I cycled into Fairview and saw the firefighters cleaning trucks and gear at Fire Station #5 on Bayers Road.…
The Rotunda on Bedford Basin
Prince's Lodge Round House Tucked away on the shore of Bedford Basin is a structure built in the 1790s by Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent as part of the estate built during Prince Edward's…